Hello. My name is Josh Turk. I live in Tucson, Arizona. I am 12 years old and love playing sports (and watching them). My Bar Mitzvah is coming up this December. A Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony where I read from the Torah and become a man. As part of the preparation for my Bar Mitzvah, I am doing a Mitzvah project. A Mitzvah project is where you do something good for someone else. I am raising money or collecting sports equipment for the Tucson Boys & Girls Club for my Mitzvah project. The Boys & Girls Club helps kids with a safe place to go after school and have fun. Kids play basketball, video games, foosball, football, volleyball, and dodgeball. They need new or slightly used sports equipment.
Could you please help me with my Mitzvah project by donating money or giving me new or used sports equipment? The Club needs used or new yoga mats, indoor basketballs, volleyballs, hula hoops, footballs, 6-inch dodgeball, and red football flags with belts. If you want to donate money, please do so through this GoFundMe page. If you wish to donate equipment and are local to Tucson, please get in touch with me through this GoFundMe page to arrange for drop off or pick up.
Thank you for considering the worthwhile cause.