Fischer Insurance Agency seeking sporting equipment donations for area youth | Community

Fischer Insurance Agency seeking sporting equipment donations for area youth | Community
Fischer Insurance Agency seeking sporting equipment donations for area youth | Community

Hoping to make an impact on area youth communities in need, Fischer Insurance Agency is currently hosting their first annual sports equipment drive.

Donations to the drive, March 7 through April 1, will become entries into a drawing for a chance at Dunkin Donuts gift cards or Pennsylvania Lottery Tickets.

Fischer is asking that you drop off bats, bat bags, gloves, balls and other sporting equipment needs to the Fischer Agency at 1735 East Third St. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Helmet donations will not be accepted. 


The items will be donated to area youth sports, after school programs, local youth groups, and church groups.

After hosting a successful canned food and mitten drive in 2021, the Fischer team decided to make drives an annual project. The 2021 drive “showed us there was a real need in our community for the youth year now, not just in the holiday months,” said Mckenzie Snyder, a sales agent with Fischer.

The idea of sports equipment donations came about after Fischer spoke with an afterschool program they’d worked with in the past. The organization stressed the need for sporting equipment, so Fischer began contacting organizations that could have use for the donations. 

The team at Fischer Insurance Agency has a 2022 goal of expanding community outreach, according to Snyder. If one community drive lead them to another, they are already on their way.

Contact Fischer Insurance Agency at 570-323-3600 for any additional information.

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